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Message # 22770.

Subject: Hello Re: What about the hotel name? Am i missing something?

Date: Fri 02/06/06 12:10:31 GMT

Name: MK us

Email: wamtec@compuserve.com


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The message was not intended for you. It was intended for those who live in the Ukraine and wish to visit these fountains...and anybody who knows the local language should recognize the hotel and location be able to read those words.  If you can't read it....then it's because this message is not meant for you.
In reply to Message (22770. Hello What about the hotel name? Am i missing something?

By Desert Hawk - us Fri 02/06/06 11:41:29 GMT


All I see is "hotel" and a bunch of Russian words. Can you explain what I am missing?
In reply to Message (22770. Hello ...new pics from Kiev

By MK - wamtec@compuserve.com us Fri 02/06/06 10:00:22 GMT


OK...for those of you who think nothing happens in Kiev....I just received a load of new pics today from my friend in Kiev who shot these himself...here are a couple of examples of things you won't find in Kiev






and if you need a clue for where to find things that don't happen....look at this hotel name in the background....





In reply to Message (22770. Hello Thanks for the pics...

By Andrew - pl Fri 02/06/06 02:17:11 GMT


As far as not finding the wetlook. With my friends in Ukraine it's probobly the same as withe me. We don't have such a tradition, but on the last day of school there is much wetlook activity in Warsaw fountains. If it's cold there is just some, but not much. So I often check just the 2-3 most popular fountains and stay next to each for max. an hour as nothing is happening. Then I sometimes learn that something happened eighter later or in another one. Moscow and Kiev are even bigger and have more fountains, so you would need an army of men to be sure. One person can never see even 50% of the potential action, even if he leaves his apartment :-P
In reply to Message (22770.2.1.1) Hello ...and hot off the press...here is the proof from Kiev this week

By MK - wamtec@compuserve.com us Thu 01/06/06 21:20:41 GMT

Website: http://censor.net.ua/full_news.php?id=23857

These are pics somebody shot in Kiev on May 30th, 2006...2 days ago.....




I had my vioeo camera guy there as well....I have not seen his footage yet....but he told me yesterday he shot about 2hrs of footage that day.



In reply to Message (22770.2.1) Info you guys in Moscow & Kiev are so wrong.......here's the truth

By MK - wamtec@compuserve.com us Thu 01/06/06 18:16:19 GMT


I am here to dispel the "myth" (which is a nice word for "baloney"...and there is a 2 letter word use by Penn & Teller too...ha ha) that nothing ever happens in Russia or the Ukraine when the weather is cool. I have been hearing this load of crock from several people I contacted too...and then I was able to obtain concrete proof that totally blew their stories (the myth) out of the water (bad pun). Trust me....things DO happen in Moscow and Kiev fountains when the weather is cool, and things DID happen in the Moscow fountains last week...and they DID happen in the Kiev fountains this week too.


I was hearing the same old story from other people I spoke to in Moscow and Kiev at first....and after I found proof that their stories were not true (i.e. photographs in the Russian newspapers...and now my OWN cameramen went there and gathered 90 mins of footage in Moscow last week and 2hrs of footage at the Kiev fountains this week)....I can only think that the people who think nothing happens when it is cold....must be needing eye glasses....or they are too lazy to leave their warm apartments...ha ha.


OK....so all this talk about nothing happening in Moscow last week or Kiev this week is complete rubbish....and here is a little taste of some of the proof for you (I have 6  hours of new video footage from Moscow and Kiev being shipped to me on DVD as we speak).


Firstly....are are pics taken last week in moscow...and my friend sent me from a a Russian newspaper website...this was shot on May 26th, 2006




These are Russian press photos...taken last week too..






This is from a Russian website...pics shot.last week




another russian forum...posted from last week




and more pics shot last week




and yet more pics from last week




FYI.....I arranged with a friend....to send a cameraman to the fountains in Moscow last week....and I have had a full report from him...and he tells me he shot approx 90 minutes of candid wetlook fountains scenes at the Moscow fountains last week. If other folks in Moscow cannot seem to find things....what can I say.......get a map...don't make incorrect assumptions just cos the weather is cold.....get out there....and you can find stuff (if you make the effort). I will be receiving the Moscow video footage in a couple of weeks time. I have not seen it yet....but it is like some of the scenes in the photos on these sites. Our cameramen says....there were MANY photographers that day at the fountains....apparently this is a huge media event drawing all the newpaper reporters and tv crews too.


NEXT....to Kiev in the Ukraine.  


Same story.....don't believe the old myth that nothing happens when the weather is cold. Thats just an excuse for being lazy ....cos if you get out there...you WILL find stuff...and that is precisely what we captured last week AND this week in Kiev. I found a new partner in Kiev to shoot wetlook videos for me, and he has collected more than 4hrs of candid fountains scenes in just 2 trips to the fountains in Kiev. Last week....he went to the fountains...and this was just a normal day when there were no special graduation events...and he found 2hrs of misc people cavorting in the fountains. He send me a small clip extract from the 2hrs of stuff he shot last week in Kiev...and here is proof that stuff happens in Kiev...this is a quick video extract from his first 2hr tape from Kiev...




That was last week...and this week it was the graduation events in Kiev.... and he just emailed me about his trip to the fountains this week for the "last bell"....and yes....the weather was rather lousy.....but he STILL managed to capture 2 more hours of last bell scenes from this week. I do not have the samples sent in yet....but this is a sample pic from last year to show you the kind of stuff that happens




Anyway...in the last 2 weeks my cameraman has collected 4hrs of fountains footage from Kiev......


So....if you can't find things happening in Russia and the Ukraine....then all I can say is....you are not looking hard enough.


I am sorry if I seem a little harsh....I just want to put people straight...cos later this month....there will be the PROM PARTIES where the girls will be in their prom dresses and gloves...playing in the fountains in Moscow too. I already have a cameraman flying out to Moscow on June 12th...who will be staying for a month and capturing these Prom Dress fountain events....so we will get all these captured.


However....there are several other cites in Russia where stuff happens too...and I am being fed the same old story....about "nothing ever happens...it is too cold here"....i.e. we know for a fact that stuff also happens in the fountains in St Petersburg.....and I contacted a guy in that city and he told me that same old story...and I doubt he is correct...cos I already proved that the Moscow and Kiev people were incorrect with their assumptions....so I am pretty sure the guy in St Petersburg is not correct too.


So....stuff DOES happen....if you make the effort to look for it......but you will never find it...if you just sit in your warm apartments...and listen to the weather channel...and make assumptions that it must be too cold ...so why bother.


Thats the situation.... competent people can find things very easily.



In reply to Message (22770.2) Sad Re: Fountain Day in Russia? It wasn't to happen.

By Andrew - pl Thu 01/06/06 14:40:14 GMT


My friends from Kiev and Odessa said they have seen no wetlook this may as the weather was crap (It's been the same in Warsaw, and normally you would get some may wetlook). Didn't talk with them today though, but it was probably the same.



In reply to Message (22770) Sad Fountain Day in Russia? It wasn't to happen.

By Victor - victor.ivanovich@mail.ru ru Thu 01/06/06 13:42:09 GMT


So the motto of the day which was supposed to be Fountain Day could be the following:

"Nothing goes on

Nothing goes right

Nothing goes wrong

Absolutely nothing"

These lines are from a song of the group Clawfinger.

Now closer to the point. The weather wasn't very suitable for fountain fun that day with tempreture about 17-19 degrees. The sky was overcast, and though it wasn't raining, it was cool and windy. And as far as I know, though there were lots of school graduates not far from the fountains, nobody dared even to get one's feet wet. Not only in Moscow, but in StPetersburg as well. And StPeterburg has been far ahead of Moscow in wetlook lately. There is no information from Ukraine yet.

But in general the only good thing about it was that I missed nothing.

                     The bad thing was that there was nothing to miss.

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