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Message # 82889.3

Subject: None Re:OK lets clarify new vs old..good vs bad

Date: Sat 03/10/20 13:28:58 GMT

Name: DungeonMasterOne gb


Website: https://saturationhall.umd.net

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Pool parties still happen but mostly behind closed doors, mostly for privacy reasons.


I'd disagree that produced wetlook is the same as can be found on TV though.  TV scenes aren't edited for a wetlook audience, and will almost always cut away to the male host or cut to the commercial break just as the money shot is about to happen - and cut back afterwards, having missed it.  Example: Recently someone posted on one of the forums (might have been here, might have been the UMD) a clip of a female TV news reporter jumping off a platform into a harbour, wearing a crop-top and yoga pants.  To get out she had to climb up a ladder on the side of the harbour.  The camera stayed with her all the way to the ladder, but then just as she was about to actually climb - which would have given an epic money shot as her soaked bottom and legs emerged from the water - cut back to studio.


A competently produced wetlook scene on the other hand will ensure you get to see everything, the full outfit, front and back, while still dry, the getting wet, the all-important points where the water reaches the top of the model's legs and drenches her trunk, or the poured or thrown water engulfs her, coming-out shots to show the results, usually going back in and out a few times, and ensure it's all correctly lit so we can properly see the actual wetting happening.


To me, from long before I became a WAM producer, being able to see the important bits, having the person get totally drenched, the quality and style of their outfit, and decent filming and lighting, are far more important than whether a scene is staged or spontaneous. And 95% of the time, produced WAM will be better than anything on a TV show, and 99% of the time staged or TV will be better than spontaneous.


I guess a lot depends on exactly what it is someone wants from wetlook?

In reply to Message (82889) None OK lets clarify new vs old..good vs bad

By Unhappy - us Sat 03/10/20 07:09:51 GMT


OK  some post  may have not gotten my intention on old vs new or good vs bad.  Sure  quality of content is better...BUT NOT  quality of  material..It  has gone down hill since theabout the beginning of the  2010's  era....Now prior to that and especially in the 1990's early  2000  you  had  so many  wonderful  candid wet material of people capturing  wetlook  for  fun  and the  girls  and guys  just  having  fun getting wet...God know  all the POOL Parties  that were on the wetlook  sites...People  were advertising them  for guest to fly in  and participate..All over Europe  and  mainly Germany...NOOO NOT  anymore  The only place for new wetlookers  who were not around then  is on  re-runs  sort to speak.....What  about all the wetlook in the UK  at  Tra.  Square?  Gone  but not forgotten...or never seen  by  youngsters

The  point is  what is  out there now  is  ALL STAGED  You  can get this on TV.  Most of  you  old heads out there  remember  the producers I am referring to..Many  are dead now  , but a few remain with us still on the forum just behind the scenes...As I have said   Wetlook  which  was true  and  good  will never return folks..Not  like it use to be in the beginning...It is still around and will always be...BUT  never as good as it once  was  in the beginning....Enjoy  your old  reruns on VHS.....

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