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Message # 82713.

Subject: None Re:Do you want your sweetie to get you wet?

Date: Fri 02/10/20 06:44:18 GMT

Name: RoscoeBC us



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Due to the virus and travel difficulties, we might have to take a year off and start planning for next year.  I'm getting so sick of avoiding this virus.  I'm in a band, one of our singers, who stands next to me in practices, came down with it a couple days after one of our practices.  He got off pretty easy, I'm not so sure I would, 3 co-morbidities.  Doc said to quarantine.  We practice anyway, wearing masks until we get into position "6 feet apart", which really doesn't happen.  We've played one outdoor show, outside, on the steps of the historic Yerkes Observatory, we have connections.
In reply to Message (82713. None Re:Do you want your sweetie to get you wet?

By Gopher - ca Thu 01/10/20 16:05:32 GMT


Love island was going off last night when I turned television on.  Everyone went into the pool in formal ware.   Looked fun.


Wonder if New Years will happen and we can find some pool-handy venues..

In reply to Message (82713.5.2.1) None Re:Do you want your sweetie to get you wet?

By JMitik - jmitik@seznam.cz cz Thu 01/10/20 10:19:39 GMT


Privacy I havenīt problem share any pictures ;-)

Write to my e-mail

In reply to Message (82713.5.2) None Re:Do you want your sweetie to get you wet?

By RoscoeBC - us Thu 01/10/20 08:15:51 GMT


Forgot to ask, any pictures you can share?
In reply to Message (82713.5) None Re:Do you want your sweetie to get you wet?

By JMitik - jmitik@seznam.cz cz Thu 01/10/20 01:09:07 GMT


I believe I will go with my friends in the floor lenght dresses to the pool again soon. Last time it was perfect and I have a lot of pictures and good memory :-)
In reply to Message (82713) None Do you want your sweetie to get you wet?

By RoscoeBC - us Sun 27/09/20 10:35:21 GMT


Just wondering.  My strongest desire is to have my sweetie push me into a pool, or drag me into the shower, her wearing a white satin gown or wedding dress, stockings, heels, and nothing else, me wearing my tuxedo.  It has happened exactly once, and I'll remember it forever.  Am I alone in this?  Every thing I can find on the net about guys getting soaked in formal attire seems to be on gay oriented sites, aside from a few wedding shoots.  Does anyone else here want to get soaked with your sweetie in formal attire, or am I even more of a a weirdo?

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