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Message # 67093.1.1

Subject: Read This My opinion?

Date: Mon 18/04/16 13:45:32 GMT

Name: JamesWetJeans gb



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Just my opinion I think it will be great website

what I would love to see is split into categories


My favourite are bath / shower youtubes, with Jeans.


Would love to see categorised and more still screenshots from old youtubes

if you can do this as loads of good ones disappeared down the years, would love to see them again, and I would happily subscribe

I appreciate its a work in progress at the moment, if you can do this would love it



In reply to Message (67093.1) Info Re:Everyone has opinions but here us out

By Tit Master - gostosoautismo@gmail.com us Mon 18/04/16 03:05:50 GMT


I have a collection of pictures I'd share if you'd like me to. I'd say around 80-100 from various places, all of them were public domain. I'll be happy to send some.

In reply to Message (67093) Bouncing Everyone has opinions but here us out

By babyspet. - us Mon 18/04/16 00:36:38 GMT

Website: http://www.babyspet.com// babyspet.com

I have read some of the comments by others and everyone has a right to agree or disagree,  If a person had 100% of agreement of the world, he would rule it!  This just does not happen.

But sincerely what I try to do is provide much material that has long lost been gone  and most people out there have never seen these clips.  They have been collected since utubes/my space was launched in the early 2000's...I just  happened to collect them when they were out...Like I always said "do NOT buy antiques at high prices, Collect them when they come out and save, put them back and wait for them to become antiques...Like stocks  you do not buy stocks  when they are high,  you  buy them when a company starts up at low cost and hang on to them and watch them grow...Too many people seem to be so impatient and  want everything RIGHT NOW...The  world  has never worked this way and only a few of us were born with that silver spoon in our mouths..

    As far as cost, once again there are people who think the world should be free to them,  it took time, research and cost of the server and domain name...They did not give me that for free..I am not out to rip anyone off, just if I recouped my investment, that is good enough for me..It is a way to share the love of what I found over a decade ago with you folks that are new comers  and never saw these items and  some people may have seen them and lost them only to have them zapped from youtube..now  gone forever.....And besides you have  lots of time to scan thru the library and keep the ones you like and then in a few months I  will have many  more to share...As  for the website....I am not a designer nor do I  know much about webmastering,  I  know  business and investment..I  have my specialty and talent as others  have their own..We are all not the same.


   So I say a big thank you to all those who give nice comments about  what I am trying to do and for those who are sceptics, I can only say you cannot say you do not like something  until you have tried it..This is soley impossible and also hypocritical  to say the least.   But I have only one year from this server and will do my best to please all that come visit us.




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