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Message # 67048.

Subject: Exclamation That's nuts

Date: Fri 15/04/16 09:37:47 GMT

Name: jollywetfellow sx



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There are hundreds of thousands of pictures on Flickr of children playing in fountains, beaches, rivers, where the camera focuses specifically on the children.    And there are literally millions of pictures of beaches (Santa Monica beach alone gives 165,000 results), most of which have some children in them somewhere.     These people must be very dim if they think they need to ask for your help, X_Wet_X, to find pictures of children playing in water on Flickr, either that or they're winding you up.    I can understand you not wanting to be associated with people who think like that, but the whole situation is absurd.   
In reply to Message (67048.3.1.1) Info Re:quick question

By X_Wet_X - uu Wed 13/04/16 20:08:06 GMT


Yes, Wetfraser is right ... that's the main reason (+occasionally I also hide very disgusting looking people).


I really had bad experience with pictures, where one could see a child in one corner (and clearly out of focus) or so. ... It was not that people complained about it, it was much worse: some did exactly the opposite ... I really got some very creepy comments from people who wanted to see more of them and that I should focus my pictures on them instead of the wetlook. So I really had to delete my first flickr account and re-upload everything masked and properly cropped on my new account here. That's also the reason, why I simple don't upload all pictures I have at once. Masking and cropping takes time and I still have a few thousand more pictures to edit.

In reply to Message (67048.3.1) None Re:quick question

By Wetfraser - sx Wed 13/04/16 19:50:45 GMT


The normal reason for masking parts of pictures is to hide children.
In reply to Message (67048.3) Question quick question

By Anonymous - uu Wed 13/04/16 17:14:04 GMT


Why do you mask parts of some of your pictures?
In reply to Message (67048) Pictures new candid pictures

By X_Wet_X - uu Tue 12/04/16 22:14:41 GMT

Website: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133056301@N05/sets/72157664781531754



I've just uploaded 344 new candid pictures to my flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133056301@N05/sets/72157664781531754 ... Enjoy!



You may also want to check out the rest of my pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133056301@N05/albums or my videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/XWetX/videos

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