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Message # 45603

Subject: Idea Mamaia & Constanta, forgotten wetlook paradise? Maybe ATTN EuroWAM TEAM?

Date: Wed 11/08/10 14:06:10 GMT

Name: Mahoney pl



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I just toured Romania for the last couple of weeks and of course looked for wetlook while on the Black Sea Coast, especially as Romanian girls are as beautiful (and thin) as you see in EuroWAM TEAM's pics. I thought Mamaia, the main resort town near Constanta would be a total miss as very little happened at the beach. Then I sat at the centrally located fountain during the late afternoon (17:00 - 19:00) when many people got of the beach. There was tons of wetlook. OK, no tights and very little jeans, but Romanian girls don't where baggy shorts and t-shorts to the beach, most where in nice dresses, many light colored and see-through and many of the girls where bra-less. And I've never seen a single photo from Mamaia on the net. The second wetlook gem was Constanta's public beach ("Modern Beach") near the Ibis Hotel during the evening, when local girls came down in large numbers, often after work in nice clothes. Sadly this was hard to photograph, as it was during twilight and you would have to use flash photography. The thing is that it seemed that almost every person in Mamaia had a camera (to photograph themselves on the beach, but also clothed in the fountain) and also in Constanta (though mainly to photograph the sites) so how come we never see any action from those places? EuroWAM TEAM, do you know maybe of a Romanian fotoalbum.ee or something. I wouldn't bother posting this if not for two things: 1) Romanian girls are really the hottest I've seen and 2) destinations like Constanta & Mamaia (with a see and 36 degrees celsius) are usually a total waste of time, as most people have swimming suites. However this one was not.

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