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Message # 12065.1

Subject: Thumbs Up Re: Changes at Wetlook University

Date: Tue 07/09/04 10:10:52 GMT

Name: Anonymous uu



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As a two time member of Wetlook U (I'm the one who loves the layered look :) I've gotta say that this is totally fair. Especially for the case of the single month subscribers who sign up, get 5000 photos and then leave once the month is over. IMO, Wetlook U has probably some of the best wetloook pics on the net, very large clear, and spontaneous. Excellent work. Worth every penny, even with the change in membership.


In reply to Message (12065) Pictures Changes at Wetlook University

By Wetlook U - webmaster@wetlookuniversity.com us Tue 07/09/04 06:47:50 GMT

Website: http://www.wetlookuniversity.com

In trying to be fair to all our loyal members over the past year, there are some changes taking place at Wetlook University.  


Beginning September 15, 2004 ALL older photo sets will be removed from the member section.  Wetlook  University currently has over 5000 High resolution photos on line for members in over 82 different photo sets.  Only the latest 10 photo sets will remain and will be updated regularly as always.  Older photo sets will be available for purchase and download at a reduced price for all members.  


I believe this is the fairest way for those who have shown support over all these past months.  From time to time, I have people sign up for one month only to get all the photos that my loyal members have paid over the months to be able to enjoy and view.  


The UPSIDE, Older photo sets will be available for purchase to anyone, only not at the reduced price for members.  Those should be available sometime next week.


After the rath of Paypal took me by storm a couple weeks ago, we have now begun accepting VISA, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX directly and have added StormPay and Yowcow as other payment options.  We will be adding other payment options in the near future.


I'd like to take this time to thank everyone for your support and comments you've given me over the past year. I appreciate any feedback, good or bad to help us serve everyone better and supply the quality you deserve.

Report Abuse or Problem to Nigel at Minxmovies
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