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Message # 12054.2

Subject: Thumbs Up Good luck for the next editing [nt]

Date: Mon 06/09/04 04:15:36 GMT

Name: ytsen de

Email: ytsen @efinum.de


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In reply to Message (12054) Hello off topic - tks for all the emails

By mk - us Mon 06/09/04 03:33:47 GMT


Hi folks - tks for all the emails.


My favorite Elton John song right now is "I'm Still Standing - yeah yeah yeah" (as opposed to Michael Jackson's favorite - "Don't Let the Son Go Down on Me").


Lots of damage in our area, but my house fared very well. Good job I drained 18 inches off my pool the day before...cos the pool was overflowing to the patio the next day. We are under martial law at this time...i.e. dawn to dusk curfew with the National Guard patrolling the streets...so you cannot leave your home after 8pm or you can be arrested. We were luckier than most folks, cos some are standing in lines for 5 hours to get water and food....and our power has now been restored (and our servers are now back online as well). We do not have broadband back, so I am typing this on my wife's laptop via dial up.


The irony is...many people are now complaining cos they are stuck at home and cannot go anywhere cos of the curfews and no gasoline available....and being stuck at home for a week is no hardship for me...cos anybody who does video editing knows this...you can easily spend 7-10 days without leaving your house if you do video editing work...thats no big deal at all. Sometimes I don't leave my house for 2 weeks at a time...so long as you have power...you can easily keep yourself busy at home on the pc.


Problem is...this is not over yet...cos nobody can take down their hurricane shutters or plywood yet....cos now we have Hurricane Ivan brewing in the Atlantic...and scheduled to be heading our way in 5 days.


All I can say is...to heck with this weather...I am just gonna get a LOT of video editing done in the next few days.


Some people ignore the storms by throwing hurricane parties...my partner and I...have a video editing party...i.e. we just get a generator in and edit videos until the house falls down....ha ha.



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