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Message # 12022.3.1

Subject: Hello results...

Date: Tue 07/09/04 05:48:48 GMT

Name: NCgreg gy

Email: ncgreg231@yahoo.com


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Once upon a time I was a completely unsuccesful guy with the ladies.  For me, I found a book called "A man's guide to women"  To make a long posting short - different techniques might work better for some people than others, you have to find what the best techinque is for you.  If what you know doesn't bring you enough happiness, try looking around for other techniques.  Jumalte's is one, buying a book (worked for me) is another.  Don't be too afraid to experiment, because then you aren't doing anything.  But experiment somehow - why wait for someone else to tell you it works.  For you, either it will, or it won't, and you won't have wasted the time to hear that it did or it didn't from someone else.


FWIW(for what it's worth) it sounds more or less how I would approach things if I wasn't married.  Lot's a detail & suggestions that might be added (what do you talk about for 8 hours)  It might be eaiser for Jumalte b/c he's better looking, or richer, or maybe he isn't.  I don't know.  As they say "Results may vary"


Good luck to you!


In reply to Message (12022.3) Question Could people who post their results?

By Love the look, not the girl - osegrov@start.no se Sun 05/09/04 09:48:42 GMT


Could those who try out Jumaltes advice please share their results on this forum? I’m a sceptic who don’t believe in "how to solve your problems throug these bulleted points" Happy
In reply to Message (12022) Hello How to get your wife/girlfriend/dreamgirl to get wet fully clothed for you

By Jumalte - Jumalte1271@yahoo.com uu Sat 04/09/04 17:09:37 GMT


I have noticed that there have been a lot of posts lately of frustrated guys who have either asked and been denied, or have experienced trepidations  to ask their wife/gf to get wet for them with their clothes on.


I really want to help, because I know the frustration very well myself. Especially when you fall in love with a girl - you can go to the beach/waterpark/pool  and find girls gleefully getting soaked in their clothing (or the 9,000,000 girls doing wetlook on the web) but yet all you want is a very erotic and sensual wet experience with the girl you love, or just have the hots for.


Let me state my credentials before you think I am full of BS. I have had numerous girlfriends in the past few years, and there are 7 girls that went into the shower with me fully clothed. All of them let me soap them up and feel all over them, and 4 of them let me have intercourse with them, fully clothed and completely soaked. I am talking about wet dresses, skirts, business suits, clubwear, pajamas, shorts and tops outfits, lingerie, gowns, and evening wear. I will tell you what I know worked for me;


I will make this as simple as I can;

Remember what women want!!!!


1) Social superiority

2) To please powerful men, “score points” with them.

3) To compete with women that could take all that away from them.


Remember the rules!!!

1) If it is a girl you are not dating/married to, spend at least 8 hours with her  before EVER bringing up anything sexual. *** Do not say or do ANYTHING that even sniffs of hitting on her. After 8  hours, IF YOU HAVE NOT HIT ON HER, she will begin to wonder if you find her sexy. Then, her natural instinct to “score points” with you will kick in. Power is subjective. It is also an eternal female need, to compete for. (If you are married/gf, then skip this part)


This also means no compliments. Listen to her stories about how bad her day was, how many nails she broke, blah blah blah. It doesn’t matter. 8 hours is the magic number. If you are dying to see her wet, invest the 8 hours in her. This applies to wife/gf as well - no compliments for at least 8 hours. Let her begin to doubt her sexyness. After all, you committed  with her because you thought she was sexy, right? Well, what is a wife/gf to a guy with a wetlook taste, if she isn’t wet??????????? It makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE for a guy with a wetlook desire to be with a woman who won’t get wet for him. Sex is supposed to be FUN!!!!


*** This does not have to be a “date”. This could be studying together, buying books together, working together, anything that allows her to form a comfort zone with her. IT’S NOT HARD - JUST FIND A WAY TO SPEND 8 HOURS WITH HER!!! 8 Hours is the magic number. Use some self-control, satisfy yourself before hanging out with her if necessary.


2) Eliminate “I” and “me” from  your vocabulary. Do not say things like “I want you to get wet for me”, “It will really satisfy me”, “I really need you to”, “I would be so satisfied if you would get wet for me”, “I would be so happy if...”


Women live in a complex world with 8,000,000 expectations. They want a WAY OUT. You could be that way out. They do not want another guys expectations, they want a SOLUTION.


3) Present her with a CHOICE. Women hate one thing above all others - to be ordered around. If you ask her to get wet for you, in the wrong way, she will shut you down.


In The Matrix Revolutions, The Frenchman put it the best way; “Choice is an illusion, presented by those who have power to those that do not.”  


Well - this is exactly what Leonmoonin does to girls at the clubs, presents the illusion of a choice for girls to go in the dunk tank. He presents them with the option of 1) massive amounts of attention 2) to be on TV 3) to be sexier than all the other girls in the club 4) to do what all the other girls are doing,  4) to not be ‘left out’ of all the fun. Or, she can just have a night of complete obscurity, being invisible, noone noticing what she is wearing, how sexy she looks, how hot she is, etc.  What do you think the girl is going to do??? SHE WILL VOLUNTEER TO GET DUNKED!!!


It is the same concept to get your wife/gf to go in the shower with you. Do not demand it - present her with a choice. And how you present that choice is rule # 4


4) Make it fun, innocent, joyful, wonderful, the way it is meant to be. If you have the wetlook desire, then I believe it is destined for you to enjoy a beautiful girl in the shower (or lake, hottub, whatever) with you, to the fullest. Here is how to do it.


Once you have hit your 8 hour mark of no compliments, and she is hungry to please you...

Once she has received no demands and expectations from you, and she feels totally comfortable and appreciative of you...

Now you can present her with  a CHOICE. Now, you can start again with the compliments.


“You look so beautiful when you go swimming.”

“I love it when you get your hair wet”

“You look fantastic in that dress”

“You would look so gorgeous if you got wet in it...”


Innocent, harmless, fun.


The fact is, girls love to get wet in their clothes. If you hadn’t noticed, the most common label for “wetshots” is ‘sooooooo much fun’. It is a joyful, erotic experience for women, one that they would love to give to you.


So, to sum up;


1) Spend at least 8 hours with her without hitting on her, or complimenting her. This increases her comfort zone with you, and makes her wonder if you find her desireable.

2) Eliminate “I” and “Me” from your vocabulary. This makes her relax, because there are no expectations on her.

3) Present her with a CHOICE to score points with you by getting wet. Don’t demand it, suggest it.

4) Make it fun, innocent, joyful, ridiculously erotic, awesomely sensual, the way it is meant to be. Remember that girls love to get wet in their clothes - and let it happen.


Good luck - post results.


Remember - I got 7 girls with this technique soaked in MY shower. Feel free to criticize or improve on the technique.


But all I want is for guys with the wetlook desire to find happiness. That’s what I want for myself, because I am searching for number 8.




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